Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I am back in st. louis and am not really glad about that. It sux. The last night I had to spend in Rachel and Lauren's room after everyone left. IT was me, Rachel, lauren, nick, peter, and dino. it was fun. we all hung out and took naps. nick, peter, and dino all went to yia-yia's house for the last time that day and they said that she cried alot. that night we climbed lycavitos and ate dinner up there. it was kind of fun just the 6 of us hanging out. however, we were sad that everyone else was already gone. it was fun all rooming together. Dino slept in Rachel's room, lauren was in her room, rachel and me slept on the couches in the family room area, and nick and peter watched tv courteously low in the same room that me and rachel were sleeping in. the guys woke us up at like 3 in the morn to say goodbye b/c they had to leave. that was really sad. erin, mike, and bry left the previous morning. it was really hard saying goodbye. i took val to the airport saturday night at like 3 in the morn. it was fun and interesting pushing her suitcase through the streets of athens. we saw george the hard rock cafe waiter at the airport and talked to him for a few minutes. he was there dropping his brother off who was going to cyprus. that night we all had a little pizza and movie party. everyone else went out but we just did not feel like going out. it was me, val, rachel, rachel, and mike. it was fun. then val's friend whitfield came and hung out. we had domino's pizza. it was the best pizza ever. we had barbecue sauce on it instead of tomato and it was way good. sunday afternoon we had a goodbye lunch with debbie and michael down in monastiraki. then we all went shopping. that night we all hung out together all night long and watched tv. everyone was leaving the next morning. we all went to the hot dog stand at like 4 in the morn and watched kings of comedy on greek tv. it was really fun. it is all done now and i am so sad. those were the best three months of my entire life. we are all going to stay in touch and i know we will all be friends forever. it was truly the experience of a lifetime and nothing could ever match up to it. oh well. a lot more pics will be posted soon. don't think this blog is done b/c it is not.


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