Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

So it’s been an amazingly long time since I last posted something, but that is ok. I have been really busy. So last week on Tuesday we went to Ampherion and Eretria. At Ampherion we saw the temple there. We went with Nota to both of these places. It was fun there. Many of us snuck under the roped off area of the theater and sat in the ancient chairs where the elite sat and took pics there. I did it. One of the pics that I will post has me in it. From there we went to Eretria. We traveled by ferry which was like a 20 minute ride or so. Our little bus we took had to come with us on the boat so that was fun. We first went to the museum at Eretria and looked around there and had a little lecture from Nota. When we came back we could not find the bus driver so we casually started walking to the next site. Then we found him and went back to the bus and piled in. We drove to the site with this really cool ancient site where there is a very well preserved house from back in ancient times. We did not stay there for very long. Then we got back on the bus and drove back to the museum to give the people there back the key to everything. Then those of us who wanted to got out and walked across the street to this site where an ancient theater was and residential houses from ancient times. It was really cool. About half the group went to explore. I took a lot of pics. There were like these little tunnel like things toward the back of the site and a lot of us climbed all the way down and into the tunnel to take pics. I was one of those pics. I almost wiped out like ten times, though. Then I climbed back up and followed everyone else to get to the theater. However, something happened and I did not make it to the theater. There was this fence we had to climb over in order to get into the theater. So our teacher went first and hopped over Indiana Jones style. Then everyone else went. Amy, Dino, and Erin were still behind me. I started to climb the fence and all the sudden I slipped. I caught myself on the edge of the sharp part of the metal or iron fence. So I pulled myself up half way over the fence. I looked to check and see if my hands were ok. My right hand was but my left hand was bleeding like no other mother. There was a huge gash right on my palm. So I climbed back over the fence to where I started and I saw Dino and I said to him “Ummmm Dino I have a problem.” He said “What? Do you need to go back to the bus?” I was like “yeah.” Then I showed him my hand and it was covered in blood and dripping all over the place. Then he was like “OH SHIT!” So he walked me back to the bus and got some water and cleaned it up somewhat and Val got me a bandage to wrap around my hand. Then I went to the bathroom and cleaned it up a little more. I had Dino clean my ring that got blood all over it. Then everyone got back on the bus and looked at it. They all thought it needed stitches. So we went to the beach and ate lunch and hung out. Then traveled by ferry back to where we were. Then we drove back to Athens. When I got back to the hotel I cleaned my hand a little more and took a nap. Then I woke up later that night and looked at it and it was still bleeding. So I went up to 34 to ask their opinion. Peter thought I needed stitches. I showed Nick for the first time. He was like “Let me see it I took med school.” So I showed him. His eyes practically bugged out of his head. He was like “ummmmm yeah ummmmm I don’t know what to say. They did not teach that in med school.” So I told them I was going to the hospital to have docs look at it and clean it. Rachel Stack came with me. We got there and did not know what to do so I found an English speaking doc and she told me to get a number and wait. I got number 16 and they were on like 95. So it was not going to take that long, or so we thought. 4 hours later I was still not seen. So I called Cosmopoulos and told him the situation and what happened. So he called a doctor to come meet us at the hotel to look at it. So Rachel and I took a taxi back to the hotel at like 4 in the morning. Then I did not have any money so we had to go to an ATM and my debit card was not working. So I could not get money. So the docs came and looked at my hand and she said it was not deep enough to need stitches. So she just cleaned it out and told me to go to the pharmacy and buy some meds to clean it out and she gave me a wrap and gauze. So after all that it turned out not to be a big deal. Then I went to bed. I was supposed to go work at the museum the next day but Michael told me to just stay at the hotel. So I did not go. I went to class the next day, though. My debit card still did not work and I did not have any money on me. So I called my mom and told her. She fixed it so now I have money. Cosmo lent me 100 and I paid him back. So everything is good. I did go to class that day.


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