Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

so this weekend we finally went to pylos. the weekend i was waiting for. it was all what i expected it to be. we went there for easter weekend. michael and debbie's kids were there and I absolutely love those kids. marilena has gotten so big. vassilli is still my main man. we got there on thursday. me and bry got a shitty room again without a balcony and frig. nick and val roomed together. it was awesome. thursday night me, dino, and peter went to church for a few minutes. it was a really pretty church. i had to stand on the girls side b/c dino told me it was a male and female side thing. then we went back. that night we had a bonfire on the beach and that was awesome. that day I took the girls to the castle there and that was fun. friday we went to the palace of nestor with michael and a museum and to see the tholos tombs. that night we went to good friday service. the entire thing was outside and we walked around the entire town. it was an awesome experience. then i went into nick and val's room and hung out and listened to pink floyd which nick got me hooked on. it was awesome. he played my favorite song for me. the first day the guys also played soccer in the plateia with some local kids. it was hilarious. friday night me and val also went walking around pylos. saturday we went to olympia with nota and that was fun. everything was free b/c of easter and everything. that night we also all went to the resurrection service. that was so different then in the states it is not even funny. at midnight they all go out of the church with their candles and have a service out there. it is amazing my hair did not burn b/c everyone was hoarding out of the church with lit candles. it was scary. the people also all mauled the priest to get the light that came from jerusalem. then local people set off major firewors for the rest of the night. it was so loud I could not even hear the priest chant or any of the service that took place outside. that sucked. i did not like the fireworks thing. you really had to watch your step too. these people would just let these fireworks go off and would not warn anyone. so if you take a wrong step you would definitely be a goner. the bells also went off. then we all left. val and i went out walking again that night to a playground again and took pics. then sunday was kind of our day off. we just had an easter/end of term party in the afternoon. it was fun. all kinds of food and lots of pics. that night they had another bonfire but i did not go this time b/c val and i turned on the tv and evita was on so we had to watch it. val, nick, and i did go down to the plateia though for a little bit and i watched them play air hockey. nick slaughtered val. then we went back and watched the movie. stargate came and watched it with us . then i went to bed. fister was his regular asshole self and threw an lemon at me at some point so I have not talked to him since. then monday we left and it was sad. we also went to mycenae and nafplion for the day with nota. that was our last time with her. so that was sad. then back to athens we went. pita pan opened back up after renovations. so this week is exam week and i just gave a presentation for debbie's class and i had to do koliva. so that was easy and fun. so now i have to majorly study. i am coming back home on tuesday and do not want to in many ways. i was mad b/c dino went to the olympic stadium and saw the painting without me. luckily someone got a pic of it for me and my family's name on the plaque. dino's birthday is today but we celebrated yesterday. i went to the school and studied though. they all went out partying and got so drunk. dino was drunk for over 24 hours. then i went to eleusis for the last time. michael got pissed b/c mark and i were late and then when i was getting out of michael's car some guy sped up right beside the door as I was opening it and luckily i caught the door before it got taken off. my arm probably would have gotten it too. val's birthday is tomorrow so we are going to celebrate again. that is basically it from this end.


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