Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

So all this week I have had to study for exams. i have had modern culture, ancient culture, and greek art exams. they were all easy in their own ways. i bull shitted my way through both the modern and greek art exams. i think i did pretty well for myself too. i stayed up til 3 in the morn last night studying for ancient culture. i was in the lobby with nick and tabitha. then tabitha went to bed and it was just me and nick. so i apparently fell asleep in the chair in some really weird position at some point and then erin and mark were down there at some point and erin woke me up and asked me if i wanted to go to bed. i was like no so i just turned around to another position all curled up after erin and mark left and then nick was like do you want to go to bed and i was like no. then he was like do you want me to wake you up when i am done. i was like yes. then i totally passed out i was so tired. the next thing i knew was that he was waking me up at like 3:15 in the morning and it took him a while and he finally woke me up and he was like it is time for bed b/c i don't think you want to sleep here on this chair. so then he took my notebook that i had thrown on the floor earlier and was like come here and get the notebook and he led me all the way up to my room on the second floor and was like come here and get it the entire way up there. he treated me like i was some sort of dog or something. it was kind of hilarious. then i went to bed. so today i had my last exam. that was pretty fun. no more school. however, the bad thing about that is that means i am leaving on tuesday and i don't want to. but don't tell anyone i said that. i mean i want to come home and see everyone but i don't want to leave greece and all the great friends i made here. there was so many great times. o i think i am going to cry. ok enough of that sappy shit. last night we went to hard rock cafe to celebrate val's birthday. it was one of the best times here. it was hilarious. i have great pics. we got the huge ice cream mountain. it was yummy. we sang happy birthday there. then amy and her parents came up to where we were and they started singing happy birthday really loud and that made the entire restaurant start singing happy birthday to her. it was so hilarious. ok well that is it for now. i will post again eventually.


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