Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Monday, April 10, 2006

So over the weekend we went to three islands on Saturday as our field trip. We went to Poros, Hydra, and Aegina. It was really fun. The boat ride to Poros was like 4 hours long. Dino brought his speakers so that he, nick, and peter could hook up their ipods so that we could all enjoy the music on the boat. we listened to pink floyd and rap and oldies. it was really fun. on poros we just walked around the front of the island where all the stores were b/c we only had 30 minutes on that island. but the funniest thing happened. we all got back on the boat. dino and nick got back on. we did not see peter and we thought that was weird b/c those three like never separate and dino said that he lost peter in a store b/c he went shopping for his sister. So after a few minutes of being on the boat and sitting down to lunch we were all like where is peter. dino told us that he left him. the boat was like leaving in literally 2 seconds. so the boat took off and there was still no peter. dino like freaked out totally. he was incredibly scared. so he was like does anyone have a phone. i gave him mine and he called peter. he asked him if he was still on the island and all we heard was the dino laugh and we knew then that he was indeed still on the island. there was no way we could tell the boat people that we had to go back. our teacher did not even know that he was not there. so it was incredibly hilarious. to top the whole thing off.....dino had peter's money so peter was like penniless. he even had to return the stuff he bought for his sister b/c he did not have any money. luckily this old lady was nice enough and gave him free food b/c he was hungry and had no money. so then he had to take a flying dolphin boat to get to Hydra and meet up with us there. he made it as we were ready to leave hydra. it was so funny though. so basically we all made our own area on the top outside level of the boat for our entire group. there was greek dancing down below. we all made friends, mostly through the music we were listening to and b/c most of us were from st. louis and there were other st. louisans there. so that was funny. matt fister came again on this field trip with his foot still in a walking cast. i could not really eat the lunch they served b/c i was a little sea sick. dino and peter were very sea sick and they apparently had barfing contests in the bathroom. on hydra we had a professor with us the entire trip and he gave us lectures on the islands and took us where the main ancient agora was. he was really nice. he teaches at wash u. or something like that. we still have nota with us as our guide. she is really nice. we love her. she said that she was 36 years old and she so does not look like she is that old. she looks like she is literally in her 20s. also on hydra i went on top of this mountain thing with cannons and what not. took pics of windmills and the island. went to the ecclesiastical museum and hung out there and took pics. there were donkeys that you could ride and they were cute and funny. there was also donkey shit all over b/c of the donkey rides. then we got back on the boat and went to aegina. that was my favorite island. we went by taxi when we got there to the temple of Aphaia and had a lecture there from nota. then we only had 30 minutes of free time so we shopped and got ice cream. the ice cream was really good. then we got on the boat and went back to athens and then took a bus to the hotel and what not. then on sunday we went to shadow puppet theater in the morning and it was hilarious. i took pics and a video. awesome time. then i went to pita pan and then nap time. got up did laundry and ate again then hung out and did homework. i got my ancient culture paper outline done. i am changing my independent study topic from bronze age pottery to ancient greek theater. so i am happy about that. i am working two days this week at the museum to make up for lost time. i am also going to work on my papers. this weekend we are going to mykonos so that will be awesome. we are going to somehow find a place that will play the cardinals home opener for us tonight. until next time i guess.


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