Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

So I realize that i am a bad child b/c i have not written in like two weeks. i have been so incredibly busy it is not even funny. i have done so much. So i had my greek art and archaeology midterm and i got a B. considering that much of the class did not do very well i think i did pretty well. it was really funny b/c she told us that we all did not do well and our textbook was written by a man named Biers. So she wants us to all sit down and correct our midterm and she said that we should all sit down with Biers and redo our midterm. the way she said biers we thought she was talking about beers so we all looked weirdly at her and she was like what and then we all started cracking up. she was like oh no not beers but biers the textbook. so we were all like oh ok. then we all laughed for the next ten minutes. so that was a pretty funny time. i had a greek language quiz the other week and it was incredibly easy. we also found out that day that our professor Michael cosmopoulos' father died like last sunday while we were in corinth. so last week we did not have any class b/c he had to take care of his mother who was in the hospital b/c both his parents were in a car accident and his mom got all banged up and that is how his father died. apparently his mother said that his father fell on her while they were driving and that is how the accident occurred. so they think he had a stroke or something. they had to perform an autopsy. we have not heard the results of that. they just had the funeral on monday. our professor had to hire another greek professor to take us on all our field trips from now on b/c he has to take care of his mother and do all this bureacratic stuff with his father's death. so we have not been seeing much of him lately. he is worried about us and everything and not having class. we are like we don't care just take care of yourself. i went out and bought supplies for a card and i bought flowers. i wrote eternal rest for your father on the card in greek and had everyone sign it. then we all came down to the lobby before our field trip to sounion and marathon and we gave him the card and the flowers and it was so sad. he looked at it all and started to tear up. he was so thankful. he wanted to cry so hard but he was fighting back the tears. he was impressed that it was in greek. then we left for sounion and marathon. so we were glad that he liked everything and appreciated it. we all felt so bad that this happened now of all times. at least he was in greece when it happened. so the day his father died we were on our way to corinth for the day. we went to this ancient port and then ancient corinth and then modern corinth and the hot springs. that was all fun and stuff. we watched the sunset in loutraki. the best part of the day was bungy jumping. yes just in case you were wondering ....... i, alexis dedo, bungy jumped off of the freaking corinth canal. it was beyond amazing. i cannot even begin to explain how awesome it was. no words to describe it. i do have a video of it and pics. so when i get back i will show everyone. i was scared in my mind to do it and like hesitated in my mind for like 2 seconds and said to myself screw it i am going. apparently i just went though on the countdown. my friends said there looked like there was no hesitation on my part at all. so i was like wow that is cool. it was 80 meters down. i got a t shirt and a certificate. apparently when i went down all the blood was rushing to my head and my entire face was completely red. i still can't believe i did it. it was 42 euro but it was worth every penny b/c i will never do it again. it was one of those once in a lifetime opportunities. i was screaming the whole way down but no one could hear me. dino was more scared to do it than i was. so i was shocked. ancient corinth was awesome but it was closed so we could not go in. oh yeah and matt fister like did something really bad to his leg so it is in like a walking cast type thing and he could not move for like two weeks. he apparently was drunk and jumped off a cliff that was like 5 feet from the ground and the doctors were worried about the ligaments and tendons. so he finally went out yesterday when we went to delphi for the day. so lately i have been working on my art presentation that i just gave like 30 minutes ago. i hated giving it but oh well. it was on the parthenon frieze so it was kind of interesting. greek class has been awesome lately. peter and i just like talk to each other and the teacher in greek and we are like her entertainment b/c we say the most pointless things. we also went to a bouzouki bar one night and it was awesome. dino, peter, and nick knew the band or something. another night we went to this mexican restaurant and i got chicken quesadilla and it was like 8 euro and totally not worth it. i mean the portion was so small and it was funny b/c i got it nick got it and peter got it. i mean it was funny when it came out b/c peter's face was so priceless. he was like um is this it i mean he was like there has to be more coming. i looked at it and was like what is this. dino looked at me and nick and we were all laughing our asses off. i finished it in like two minutes it was so small. however, my friends were nice enough to share their big portions with me and nick. i was making so many cracks about the size. everyone was laughing at me. the best one was that dino was full and did not eat anything. so when they took my plate away i said to dino oh dino that was so rude of me not to offer you some of my food before i ate it. he started cracking up along with the entire end of my table. it was hilarious. i will never go there again. the other day we went on a field trip to sounion and marathon. marathon was not that exciting. there was just a mound there and a museum. i am getting tired of museums now. then we went to sounion to the temple of apollo and our teacher that michael hired gave us the option of staying til 8 at night and go back on the public bus and watch the sunset. so we all did that. we went to the beach and the water was cold. then we went up to the temple again and watched the sunset and it was awesome. then we took the bus back to athens at night and erin and i met these two guys from america and they were asking us about our greek program and what we were studying. oh yeah and about one week ago we went to an awesome olympiakos game which is greek soccer (football). it was one of the best experiences. i absolutely loved it. i have 7 videos just from that one game. we went to all these places with peter's friends tory and lauren who were awesome. i bought like a lot of olympiakos souvenirs. i bought a scarf, necklace, jersey, and hat. it is aweome. my favorite player is djordevic. he is the captain. anyone who ever goes to greece should witness a game. it was amazing. i also traveled to the temple of olympian zeus one day and karameikos and stuff like that with erin and rachel. that was fun. delphi yesterday was amazing. we went to the temple there and the treasury and the stadium and the temple of athena and the theatre. this weekend we are going to three islands as our field trip. we went to see medea the other night as part of debbie's class. it was all in greek. i understood a good percentage of it. so i was happy and was translating some of it for erin and amy. dino and peter were laughing a lot at the play and stuff. i was too. it was a cool experience. we went with leda b/c debbie had to take care of her kids b/c michael was planning his father's funeral. that was monday. this week classes start up again. i don't work at eleusis for a few weeks b/c of the death. that is ok. oh yeah the other day we went to the theatre at epidaurus. that was awesome. we all sat in the actual ancient seats there and listened to people go to the center of the theatre and sing from a little circular spot. one guy was not good but these dutch looking girls were awesome. then we went to the surrounding temples and stuff for the day. we also had to stop off at nafplion for like an hour or so. we shopped. it was a fun day. i have lots of pics from like everything i have talked about. i have to work on my papers now. we only have 3 and a half weeks left and i am sad. i still have to buy my plane ticket home. i have been having way too much fun lately. this is like the best trip of my entire life. i must say. well i am sure i have forgotten some things but i will update everyone later. yassas!


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