Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Friday, April 07, 2006

oh my gosh.....two days of posting in a row since like the longest time......the world must be coming to an end. today I went to Starbucks with Erin and I got my Ancient Culture paper outline done. I am doing it on the Theater at Isthmia just b/c I could not think of anything else to do. So I will turn that in on like Wednesday when we have class or something. Tonight I am starting my independent study research and starting my outline. I just got back from going to the Hard Rock Cafe for the second time in one week. It is pretty awesome there. I bought a shirt the other night. A lot of the group had their Myth midterm today and I did not b/c I don't have that class. I still don't have my plane ticket back home but am searching for a good priced one. We are going to three islands tomorrow for class field trip. I don't really know which ones but I will write about it later. I think it is next weekend that we are all going to Mykonos for like two days or so. Then the next week is our trip to Pylos which I am overly excited for. Michael is trying to convince his mother to come with us to Pylos. If she does not come with us then Michael can't go. So he and Debbie are trying to lay a guilt trip on her saying that they have to go b/c it is part of the program. So Debbie said that last time she said ok and she might go. So we will have to see more about that. We had greek cooking lessons yesterday and we made spanakopita, tiropita, and baklava. They were soooooooooooo good. Next week we are going for greek dance lessons. This is all part of Debbie's class. So I don't really have much else to say. I will check in later. p.s. happy late birthday to Carolyn


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