Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Friday, March 17, 2006

I know it has been like a thousand years since I last posted and for that I highly apologize. So this weekend I went to santorini baby. It was really fun. The first day we got there we checked into our hotel, which was really nice. However, Bry's and my room was like a freezer it was so cold. We turned it up to the highest degree it would go. It did not fully warm up until like the second day or something. So I put my stuff in my room and I decided to go for a walk to find the beach. I walked for like 30 or more minutes without finding anything beachy and just barren farmland. Eventually I ran into a dead end so I just turned back. It took me another 30 or more minutes just to get back to the hotel. Then I went to the little taverna across the road from our hotel and ate some kick azz macaronia. I think it steamed the entire time I ate it. It was beyond good though. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that we took a 10 hour boat ride to Santorini. It was fun. It was a huge ferry with a flo cafe and a goody's. We all slept downstairs at first and then we moved up to the hallway where there was no one. So we all just slept and played cards and hung out outside and watched the beautiful scenery. It was awesome. I can't really remember what else I did on that first day there. The second day we were there we all took a group walk down to the beach. We were originally all going to walk down to ancient thira but we did not make it that far once we finally found the beach. It was a good 7 km walk there. It was so pretty though. It was a black sand beach. This random dog followed us like almost all the way there. I took pics. There was a playground there. Everyone but me got in the water. It was cold. Valerie got in the water the entire way and it was freezing. We stayed there for a while. They all got cabs back but I walked back. It was again a 7 km walk. It was probably the best walk of my life, I don't know why though. Then everyone went out to eat and I rested a little and then I went and got something to eat myself. I took many walks on this trip. I know for a fact that I walked like over 10 miles this trip. Fabulous really. Every night everyone went out to a bar or two and I stayed and watched tv. I found this crazy french channel and it was awesome. I could understand a lot of it amazingly. I also watched a few movies that were on. I talked to my mom and my sister. The third day I walked all the way up and over the mountain and that was like through 6 or so towns. It was fun. However, it was extremely windy and I thought the wind was going to take hold of me and like fly me away or something. That is how strong it was. I took some really great pics. There was this old lady there who like ran the hotel and we all called her the yiayia. It was cute and so was she. I ate a lot at that taverna I mentioned earlier. I had that spaghetti, and then pancakes one time, and then gyros other times. The last day we had to move out by 12. So we packed up and then walked to this place called tabasco. It was really good. I again had macaronia. Amazing. Then we had to be back by 2:30 to go catch the boat back to athens. This was another ten hour ride. We met two people named Issac and William. They were cool. There were also these two greek girls on it that were like in love with Dino, Mike, and Peter. I watched the sunset outside and took the most amazing pics ever taken in the world. I got a little sick on the boat. It was rocky and I had like two frappe's that day so that did not help. When we got back Bry's friend was in and I said hi and they went out and I went to sleep. The next day we had a field trip to the agora with backstage passes and everything. We had the guy who is like the main archaeologist of greece who has excavated the agora give us a lecture and show us around. He was awesome. The next day (Wednesday) was terrible b/c I had greek class, greek art and archaeology, and ancient culture. We had to make up the greek art and archaeology class since we missed last monday's class. It turned out to be fine though. Thursday we were supposed to have modern greek culture but michael and debbie's kids ended up both getting sick and so we have to have class tomorrow. Today I went with Bry and worked at the museum in Eleusis from like 9-2. I got paid 100 euros already. It was fun sorting pottery in its own way. Brought back great memories. I have a midterm on monday and a few papers to write. so this next month is not going to be a cup of tea or anything. Oh well. Until next time..............


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