Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Yesterday I went to Greek Art and Archaeology class. I was assigned my presentation topic. I picked The Parthenon Frieze just b/c I knew it was a huge topic and I could talk a lot about it to fill in the 15 minute presentation. Then after class I went with Val, Lauren, Rachel, Rachel, and Erin to look for libraries. We went to the National Library first. I don't think that I will ever go to that library again. We got there and the lady was staring at us and thinking why were we there. She was giving us the evil eye the whole time. Then when we went to the lockers to put our stuff away she came over and started speaking greek and she was like ranting and we were like we speak english and she was like I don't and was trying to tell us stuff. Then in her broken english she was like you can't be here. If we were going to stay we had to get a pass with our passports. I did not have my passport. I used my international student ID card. She was like what is this. Where is the number. I showed her and she seemed to be ok with it. Then she told us all that we had to read their books in the library. We looked at each other and were like well what do you think we are going to do besides that. She thought we were going to read our own books or something. Then she told us we could not use the internet. She watched us like a hawk the entire time. It made all of us feel very uncomfortable. She got like every employee around to come and tell us that we could not do stuff and we could not be there or to watch us and only us to make sure we did not do anything to the books. She and all the other employees watched us the entire time. I was reading this french book on Egypt to look for topics for my independent study 50 page paper. I was getting a lot of good ideas from it even though it was in french and was kind of bummed we had to leave. However, it was good that we left b/c I was feeling extremely uncomfortable being there along with the other girls. The mean lady got this guy to watch us and actually come straight up to us to see what we were writing and what not. Then she came up to him when he was right next to us and they started fighting about us in Greek. It was like can't you do that some place else. I am glad we left. Then we walked around a little and then went to the Hellenic American Library a few blocks away. I met this really nice lady on the way who was originally from Bulgaria and she was Greek and she was so interested in us since we came to America. So she was asking me why we were in Greece and how we like it and she was really nice. As soon as we got upstairs to the actual library we only had one woman come up to us and ask us nicely what school we were from. We told her the Canadian Institute and she was totally fine with it. We were not really stared at much. I looked up stuff for my Greek Art and Archaeology presentation and found a lot of information and wrote it all down. Then we left and went back to the hotel. That night I went up to 36 and talked to the guys and they were studying Greek and we talked about how in a few weeks we were going to go to Santorini for like 4 nights or something. So I got in on that and we are going to stay at this extremely nice place. It looks really amazing. I am so excited. I think we are going to go to Crete another weekend. Cosmopoulos was going to give us a friday off of class and then see if Debbie would give us off a thursday too. Then I went down to my room and watched Mulholland Dr. and Sleepy Hollow. The first one was probably the most bizarre movie I have ever seen in my entire life. It was a little confusing as well. Then I went to bed at 3 in the morn. I had to wake up at 10 this morn b/c we had another field trip to the National Archaeological Museum with Cosmopoulos. That was so draining. We were all like dead and he had to work really hard to keep us alive. Then we walked around and looked for a toy store. Then we went back to the hotel. I cooked Greek Style Spaghetti and then went for nap time. I did not wake up til like 7:30 or so. Then I did some Greek homework and went up to 36 for a while and worked with them. Then I watched South Park with Matt Hull and now I am here at e-Global. While I was in 36 Michael threw water from his balcony onto Dino, Peter, and Nick as they were walking by. It was awesome.


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