Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Last night I had absolutely nothing to do and neither did Bry. So we were just sittin' and listening to music and what not. So we decided we wanted pizza. Bry called George (the really nice front desk guy who speaks english) and she asked him where a good pizza place was. He gave her a number. Then she called 34 and asked them where they got their pizza. They told her where and gave her the number and what not but they said that they could not remember if it was good or not b/c they were too drunk. We asked 14 about the dominos pizza and they said it was not that good. We told Matt Hull that we were hungry and bored. He said that we could come up to 36 if we wanted to. So we decideded that we would once we found food. Then a few minutes later he called back and said that he would make us spaghetti if we had not found food yet. We took him up on his offer. He is such a gentelman let me tell you. So we went up to 36 to watch movies and eat dinner. We watched Animal House and then we had dinner. Some people decided that they wanted to go out but I did not want to b/c I was having fun watching movies. After Animal House me and Matt watched Farenheit 9/11. Oh my God. That is an excellent kick azz movie. I absolutely loved it. I never knew like half the stuff that Michael Moore reported in it. It was very informative and I fell in love with it. Then I went down to my room and made some more food b/c it had been a while since I had dinner. So I heated some stuff up and then went to bed while listening to the Tarzan soundtrack. Today I woke up at like 10:30 and so did Bry. We talked a little bit about the night before. Then we decided to go to Special Breakfast. I had a frapee, a chocolate donut, and a cheese pie. Then we went back to the hotel and back to bed. I listened to music for a while. We woke up at like 3 or so. I listened to more music and now I am here at e-Global. It has been a pretty unproductive weekend.


  • At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Alexis,

    I finally got to read your blog. I'm glad you're having such a "kick-ass" time! ;)

    Your mom said that you guys are living by the Athens Hilton. They used to serve amazing loukoumades at midnight (just on weekends?). Check and see if they still do.

    I'm also glad you saw "Farenheit 9/11." There's a lot more to what's going on in the world than what you see in the regular media and what you hear from the conservative Tsichlis family members. If you're interested in more, check out ""

    Now, on to more important things. Since you also watched Animal House, I'm thinking that there is no better place than Greece to have a toga party. Are you with me on this, or have you already had one?

    You're going to love Santorini, and the archeological site (Akrotiri?) is amazing. Most importantly, Santorini's ancient name was "Kalliste," a fine name if I do say so myself!

    I look forward to seeing you when you get home.


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