Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Basically we have all been hanging out a lot. Bry and I threw a dinner party in our apartment last night. We made spanakopita and chicken gyros. I was the one who really made the spanakopita. I had been working on it from 3 in the afternoon until 6 that night. It was a long and trying process. It was an easy recipe but the preparation is so hard. However, everyone loved it like no other mother. They all said it was amazing. I made two pans of it and we only put one out in order to keep the other one warm and stuff. When people were finished with their plates they were apparently thinking that they wanted more spanakopita but there was only like 2 pieces left on the first pan and they felt bad if they were to take it. Then Bry and I said that everyone should have more if they wanted it. We said we have a lot more spanakopita and everyone said where. We were like we have a whole other pan in the oven. Then everyone jumped up and helped themselves to more for that moment and then they took one and wrapped it up in a napkin for later. They were all like oh now we don't feel bad if we take the rest on the pan since there is more in the oven. Bry and I laughed. Everyone absolutely loved it. It was the talk of the night. I was so happy since this was like my first time to make it by myself from scratch. It was indeed amazing. Even Tabitha and Valerie, who don't like spinach, said that it was amazing. Everyone loved the grilled chicken and veggies for the gyros, too. That was all thanx to Bry's George Forman grill that she brought with her. I don't see how we ever could have lived if she did not bring it. Then I went out and bought an ice cream cake. The lady who worked at Special Breakfast place, where I bought it, was like you want one piece and I was like no the whole thing. Then she said you know it is ice cream yes. I was like yeah I know. So I bought it and I laughed. When I told that story everyone laughed as well. Everyone was like so incredibly full when they finished. Tabitha is like in awe that I know how to cook. She was like no matter whose turn it is to cook Alexis always gets involved and helps cook something fabulous. She loves everything I make. It is kind of funny. Nick called me the little yiayia. It was cute. I made a huge mess while I was making it too. The kitchen was covered in spinach and it looked like a tornado hit the kitchen or something. Nick, Dino, and Peter came in and saw the room and Dino was like shit you made a mess. My hands were covered in spinach and feta. My nails are still green from the spinach. It was kind of fun though. After dinner everyone went to their rooms and I went with Bry to e-Global for a few minutes and talked to Kyra online. Then we went back to the hotel and went up to 34 (dino, peter, and nick's room). We call them the GFF's. This means Gay Friends Forever. This is b/c they are always together they never separate and they do everything together and like sleep together and like wrestle with each other. It is kind of sweet but weird at the same time. I noticed that Fister was being kind of a total dick to me the entire day and he looked kind of down and stuff. So I went outside and asked him if he was ok b/c he was being a shithead to everyone. He was like fuck you and go to hell. I was like fine I won't ever ask you if you are ok again. So I called Tabitha b/c she noticed everything too. We talked about it. Then I called Bry and asked her if I could watch Dead Man with Johnny Depp in it. Then Fister called me and was like I am sorry I was so rude to you but I don't like it when people worry about me. I was like whatever. So I have not seen him since last night. I am kind of pissed at him b/c of this. So then I uploaded some pics to my computer and then I watched Dead Man. It is a really good movie. Johnny Depp is so hot it is not even funny. Then I went to bed b/c I was dead tired. I did not wake up until 1 today and then I took a shower and played spider solitaire and now I am at e-Global once again.


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