Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Friday i woke up for nothing. i went to greek class at 11 in the morn and apparently michael was supposed to tell me, dino, and matt that we did not have class that day and that dino and i had to take a test to test into greek 2. i was somewhat pissed off b/c i could have been sleeping. i really wanted to go back to sleep but i could not. i can't really remember what i did this day. it it already sunday and i have not done too much. i have been sleeping a lot. i hve watched the olympics like all day. i missed the opening ceremony so i was mad. last night they all got together but i wanted to sleep. apparently i missed dino getting shut down by a girl. i would have paid to see that. i also missed matt cutting his hair like way way short like not like sluh guys shaggy hair. like matt winkeler short. i saw a pic and it looks terrible. oh well it is his hair so he should do what he likes with it. i will hopefully soon post pics. i have a lot. i also have a couple of videos that are just hilarious. mark was so drunk one night that he thought my leg was a guitar so he started strumming it. it is hilarious. i was laughing my ass off. so pretty much it has been an uneventful weekend. this week starts the real hard core stuff in classes so that should be a blast. we also have our first field trip to the athens national archaeological museum or something. i am excited. i also learned that we get to spend greek easter in pylos. i am very excited for that. and apparently we have all been really loud at night b/c the hotel got complaints. hehehehehe.


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