Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

My second day

I woke up at 7:30 in the morn b/c I am screwed up on times. Then went to breakfast with Bry, Tabitha, Val, and Amy. I had tiropita and frappe. Man this coffee is like real coffee. I love it. Then we went to the supermarket to buy food. The ladies in the store were really nice and they spoke good english. Thank God. Then we went back to the hotel, which is called the Delice. We put our groceries away and went down to the lobby to have our first official meeting with Michael and Debbie Cosmopoulos. We got our cell phones. They are awesome. I do not know my number off the top of my head. Maybe next post if I remember. We had a little chit chat about rules and I got my class schedule. I have 5 classes. I might move up to Greek 2 otherwise I will just stay in Greek 1 with Dino just to make fun of the other people in the class b/c they will not get it. We shall see. Michael told us that we were too loud the night before. Apparently Matt Fister was so wasted that he was yelling his room number out on his balcony. He totally missed the meeting b/c he could not get up he was so incredibly wasted. Then Michael took us to the Canadian Institute where our classes will be. He showed us around. It was a nice little tiny place. Then Michael treated everyone to a nice lunch at a Greek restaurant. We all had fried zuchinni, saganaki, horta, salad, all kinds of meat, coke, bread, and what not. Then everyone went their separate ways. I went with Bry, Tabitha, Amy, and Matt Hull to Syntagma Square to go shopping. We took the metro which is totally awesome. It is amazing that Greek people actually took the time to build such a marvelous metro. We were mainly shopping for a hair straightener and dryer for Amy and a water purifier for Matt. We got directions to a place from a girl in english. We could not find it. So I had to go up to an old lady running a kiosk and ask her in Greek where we could find it. She told me and on the way to it we found an even better place. I took lots of pics all day. I will post them later. This store we went to just went on and on. It was amazing. We took pics of mime people. However, this one lady dressed up in what looked like pink octopus gear charged one euro to just take a pic of her. So when she turned the other way I snapped a quick one of her and did not have to pay one euro. hehehe. We walked around a lot. Then we went back to the hotel and I took a nap and so did Bry, who by the way is my roomie. Then we woke up and I worked out my class schedule and loaded pics onto my laptop. Bry cooked pasta. Then my mom came back and was hungry so I went to eat dinner with her. I just had chocolate cake and ice cream. Then we went back and I was beyond bored. So Bry and I went down to Val's, Amy's, and Tabitha's room to party and hang. They ate dinner and we talked. Then Dino, Nick, and Peter came down and we all hung out. We played a really fun game that I liked. Then we had a "sleepover." I still have not been asleep yet. We watched movies and everything. It is now 8 in the morn the next day and I have not slept yet. So I am with Val, Amy, and Bry in the internet cafe and we will go get breakfast. Until next time.


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