Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Third Day

After the sleepover me and Bry went back up to our room and we both tried to go to sleep. We could not get to sleep, though. So Amy called us and we all went out for breakfast. However, it was sunday morning and nothing is open then. So we decided to go to E-Global. We went on the net for like 30 minutes or so. Then we walked around and finally went back to that place we had breakfast before. I had the same thing except i had orange juice. It was like real orange juice so it was like really good. Then we went back to the hotel and we went to sleep. I did not wake up until like 4 in the afternoon. Then I hung out with everyone. It was fun. Then we went to eat. I don't really remember much. Oh yea we went to Plame Bistro and I had Bistro Chicken and it was scrumptious. Fister was there by himself so when he left he saw us and talked for like a minute. Then we went back to the hotel and did shit. I can't really remember much from this day.


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