Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

An interesting time in the internet cafe

So today Amy, me, Val, and Bry went to e-Global for a really long time. We were there for like two hours or something b/c something happened that was like kick ass funny. It was so beyond funny it is not even funny. We were there for a little bit already and then some lady comes over and sits between me and Amy. She was 19 years old. She sits down and starts talking to Amy in Greek and then when she found out amy did not speak greek she turned to me and started speaking it. i could not understand her at all. so i just gave her this weird face and nodded along as if i was agreeing with her or something. Then she starts talking to her computer in greek. she was doing that the entire time. so we were making fun of her then. however, it got so much worse as in funny. then i look over at her screen and she is looking up stuff on rupert grint. ya know ron weasley from harry potter. she started looking up simple pictures. however, she was going towards the more provocative ones. it was hilarious. she was on this pic with a link to a website with the title of veritaserum. right on the top of the website is this provocative pic of rupert grint laying on a bed with a sexy face. then later i look at her screen and she was taking a quiz to see i guess how she and him would be together or something. at this point we were all laughing our asses off. we were iming each other on the computer and making fun of her. i was telling the girls what she was doing every single minute. Then after the little quiz part i look over and she is typing a love letter to rupert grint. She said "Hello Rupert how are you today". Then she types her email address as if he would respond to her. I typed an im to bry and i am cracking up and then she looks over at her and she cracks up as well. that started a rucous. we could not stop laughing. this lady was like looking at us and she thought we were laughing at each other or something. so she started laughing along with us as if she understood what we were talking about. then she started talking in greek to us and then she started talking in a few english words but she was not very good. then a little while later after she had been trying to laugh with us and talk to us in greek and english i look over at her and she is typing yet another love note to rupert grint. this time it read "Hey my lovely Rupert." now by this time we were all laughing our asses off. we could not stop. she had still been looking at pics of him and stuff. then she wrote her email address again. i think by this time she started to catch on that we were looking at her screen. this is b/c she covered up her screen twice. as if she did not want us to see what she was typing. then after a while of her looking up rupert grint pics and writing love emails to him and us laughing our asses off and her talking to us and asking us stuff and what not and her asking every one of us if we had a phone so she could send an SMS message to someone. i am sure that it was either to rupert grint or to a friend about him and stuff. then the computer decides to kick her off completely. she got so pissed off. she started cursing in greek. she was so mad. this is b/c in the middle of writing her second love letter it kicked her off. then she went downstairs to complain to the guys i guess. it was so funny. while she was downstairs we were laughing our asses off upstairs and still iming each other about the whole thing. then she came back up and sat down. she was still pissed off beyond all comprehension. she takes out what i think was her cell phone. which makes one wonder why she was asking us the entire time if we had cell phones so she could send a message. then i imed bry and we were talking about how upset she was and making fun of her. then bry told me that i should bring up a harry potter website and see what she would do. so i went to google and typed in harry potter. then i clicked on the link to the official website for the movies. when it popped up she was so excited. it was hilarious. she was like omg that was a good movie. of course she was talking in her broken english. she was like you like that movie and i was like yes it is my favorite. then i was like do you like it too. and she was like yes it is a very good movie. then i was like which actor is your favorite. she was like yes b/c she could not understand what i was saying. so then i decided to point to harry, hermione, and ron. all individually. i was like do you like this one what about this one and this one. she was like yes to both ron and harry and to hermione she said a little. everyone is cracking up as i am having this conversation with her. then i went to all the links on the website and she was so excited. she was like literally sitting on me and my chair. she was on top of me. it was hilarious b/c she was so excited. so we were talking to each other about the movie. as well as the characters. i could not im anyone anymore b/c it was all about her and she was on top of me and could read english so i could not tell my friends what was going on. however, they could hear everything and they were laughing soooooooooooo hard. i had to restrain myself from laughing. it did not work so well at one point. i just broke out in laughter. now this girl could not even use her computer anymore so you would think that she would leave but she just sat there and looked at harry potter websites with me. she eventually went downstairs again to do something. she came back up again and joined me. after a while of all of this and her not leaving me alone she finally looked away and i typed to bry really fast can we go. she was like yea. so then i clicked out of harry potter websites. the lady was sad she was like ohhhhh. then started talking in greek. then i went to google again and typed in lord of the rings. i went to its official website. she looked over and was like lord of the rings. she was like do you like that film. i was like yes it is my favorite. i was like do you like it. she was like a little. then i clicked on the pics link and this pic of orlando bloom comes up and she was like oh orlando bloom. she asked me if i knew him and i was like yes. then she asked me if i liked him. i was like yes he is my favorite. i asked her if she liked him and she was like a little. she asked me if i had the film and i said yes and she was like oh. the same thing happened with the whole harry potter thing. so she started looking at lord of the rings pics with me. i thought this would be a way to get her not interested in me. however, i was sorely mistaken. she looked in at everything i did on that computer. when that did not work i resorted to looking a pics of rupert grint on google. she was like all over me then. we went through all the pics together and she was like oh i like this one and this one. this one is good. then she said stuff in greek that i did not understand. it was hilarious. so we are still having this conversation and my friends are just laughing their asses off. the guys at the front desk were getting the biggest kick out of us b/c we were laughing for so long and hard. finally they were like let's go. so i signed off and clicked out of all the pics and what not and she was like oh no more that's it. she got really sad. then we got up and went downstairs. she followed us downstairs. we paid. she kind of waited for us while we paid. then she left and said goodbye and we said nice meeting you. we were all still laughing so incredibly hard. then we got outside and we just all broke out in laughter. it was so incredibly funny. i almost started crying i was laughing so hard. you just had to be there. by the way i found out from reading her screen that her name is irene. i asked her verbally what her age was. she also had this little book she was referring to that had the english translation of words in greek. she used it to write her love letters and to speak to us. it was the most hilarious thing i have ever witnessed.

here is just part of the conversation me and bry had while this entire thing was going on:
damnfinecafe: teckgrl3: "hello my dear rupert how are you today"
DamnFineCafe: LOL
teckgrl3: omg this is too mcuh
teckgrl3: she covered up her screen
DamnFineCafe: She keeps looking at me like I'm watching her.
teckgrl3: like it was a love note
teckgrl3: which i think it most definietly wa
teckgrl3: s
DamnFineCafe: LOL
teckgrl3: she is putting down her email address like he is going to respond
teckgrl3: she is downloading something called shelikesme.wmv
teckgrl3: as well as give rupert your support
teckgrl3: she was wrtiting another email
teckgrl3: it said
teckgrl3: hey my lovely rupert
teckgrl3: she got so pissed off
teckgrl3: beyond all reckoning
teckgrl3: i think she was cursing in greek
teckgrl3: my stomach hurts b/c of laughter
DamnFineCafe: why is she mad, because he won't return her luv?
DamnFineCafe: LOL
teckgrl3: no
teckgrl3: b/c the computer kicked her off while she was writing her note
teckgrl3: she really like the pics on the site i am on
DamnFineCafe: dud


  • At 10:34 AM, Blogger Anna said…

    ooooooooooohh MY. that is really hilarious. unbelievable.


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