Archaeological Greece

This is a blog of my past, present, and future times in Greece while involved in archaeology there. You can read about my days there and look at fun pictures.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Oh my God! Last night was singularly the most amazing night in the world. I went with room 26 and Mark to the stop before Piraeus where Peace and Friendship Stadium is. We went to go look at the sunken ships at the docks there. We also went at sunset to watch it. Oh my God. It was beyond amazing. I don't think there are any words to describe how amazing it was. I am definitely going back there eventually. I took well over 50 pictures. Like every step I took I had to take a picture b/c that is how amazing it was. We did have to climb over mountains of boulders and I totally wiped out on my ass on gravel. Mark laughed. I laughed too b/c it was pretty funny. Then we went back to the hotel and ate pizza. Then I went up to Dino, Peter, and Nick's room and we hung out. Then I went to 26 and hung out and then it was bed time. Today we went to the Art Museum by the hotel which was really cool. We went with Debbie. She bought everyone sandwiches afterwards. The art was really cool. Then I went to the agora and walked around and took pics. Cosmopoulos shut down my independent study topic which sucks. I wanted to do something on Egypt but he said no because it had nothing to do with Greece. So I am really mad. I might just have to do it on Bronze Age Greek Pottery b/c that is what I will be working with when I work at the museum this month. I am going to Mount Olympus this weekend. I am very excited. Santorini is next weekend. I am even more excited for that. Ok well nap time. Bye Bye!


  • At 1:41 AM, Blogger Anna said…

    hahaha they really wouldn't let you do something about egypt when you're studying greece? that's fabulous and funny.

  • At 8:56 AM, Blogger Lexi said…

    I know anna! Can you f*****ing believe it. I can't......(said with a sarcastic laugh)


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